A Message to Starseeds

The latest guidance from the Council, a group of Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, Goddesses, the Faery Realm, and Multi-Dimensional Galactics.


Greetings Dear Ones,

Today we wish to impart upon you citizens of Earth, citizens of the Universe, Brothers and Sisters, Children of God…Meditation. It is not necessary to think of meditation in terms of rules and steps to follow. The most important thing about meditation is it is an act of prayer. It is an act of communion with your Creator and with your divinity. Everything in your world lures you into external thinking. True peace and comfort can only be found within you.

Hidden deep within your heart is a code of love and that code can only be unlocked with the key of consciousness.

The key of awareness springs forth when you still the thinking mind, the external doing. It is important to pause. The beauty of the breath is not necessarily in the inhale and the exhale; it is in the pause in between. Your life is like a long pause from the place that which you call your home. Your true home is not upon a planet. It is a place of being. It is simply being. It is hard for the human mind to conceive of this because you were taught at a young age to disregard the internal purview, but it is who you are. Who you are resides within you, and if you do not take time to commune with the who you are within you, you will not know who you are.

You are all many things, many labels. But when you strip that away, who are you really? You are energy. You are loving, vibrating, oscillating energy. You are inside of a physical costume. A vehicle, if you will, of learning. It is an education to don on the rob of the flesh because, although it may make you feel separate, it is a journey you happily take each and every lifetime so that you return once again to who you truly are and that is God.

So take time to pause each and every day. This will center and ground you from a place of beingness in all that you say and all that you do. Without this groundedness, without this connection, you will feel disconnected from your inner being, and it will bring you a sense of sadness and of loneliness. And it will be below the surface. You may not even notice it, but it always there, waiting for you to arrive and that is why when you do meditate, you lose the sense of being in a body at times. Some of the most adept meditators feel as if they are floating because it is a formless space. That is your true home, in the formlessness.

Know that you are always surrounded by love and light.

With Love, Namaste Dear Starseed!

Copyright 2018, Jenna Fontaine

A Message to Starseeds


Greetings Dear Ones,

It is with great anticipation that I come to you today as Jenna’s higher self, Kora, to dispense important information related to ascension during this time known as the Great Awakening across planet Earth.

Tensions are mounting as the divine feminine rises across the land. Women are learning to claim their voice and are finally being heard. Many are telling their stories, describing their struggles, their pain, their marginalization. Equality, the balance of the masculine and feminine energies, is your divine birthright as human beings. It has taken thousands of years to reach this point in your collective consciousness. During the Middle Ages, women were persecuted for exhibiting any of their inherent qualities of magic, medicine, crafting herbs, and the like. They are still embedded deep within you--the layers of fear and layers of pain. There are many women who are angry at this time. The anger can be very loud. Indeed it can. Because it is what lies in the centuries you have lived and learned.

Love. Love is the emotion many women are reaching for now in their ascension. Women are learning to love themselves. To embrace all the beauty that they possess as divine creator beings. To mother and nurture. We all must learn to do this for ourselves. We all must learn to bring unconditional love into our hearts and homes. Into our words and deeds. Allow this time of awareness to bring forth what is hidden. To reveal your power. Your strength. Your courage. Your divinity.

No matter the outcome within the American political sphere, the larger story to be told is one of consciousness.

Becoming awake inside the illusion of separation. The illusion of being different. The illusion that we are not all one. The density of Earthly life is like a great cloud over the soul. It blinds and masks you from knowing who you are. If you will but look in the mirror and notice your beauty. Your light. Your power. Nothing external in your world can diminish, detract, remove, or take away from the beauty you possess. It is time for the masculine to recognize the feminine hierarchy of life. For this is the balance that is needed for peace.

This is the wobbling. The wobbling so many indigenous cultures prophesized. It is shaking you all up, no? I’m sure you all feel it in varying degrees. The power of this oscillation is calling forth the new dawn. The dawn of the light in ever increasing spirals. Surrender the ego. Open your inner heart. Live from within that place in all that you do. In all that you say. Be love. Be love. For that is the greatest power. The greatest manifestation of everything that you desire can be found in expressing, giving, and receiving love.

Blessed be. Honor women. Honor them for they bring forth life on this earth. Women collectively carry the sacred wound birthing beings into the dimension of separation, but it no longer needs to be burdensome. For very soul who incarnates on Earth volunteers to journey into the land of forgetting. It is part of your soul’s plan to traverse each life in a continuum of learning. This particular time period is the flowering and unfoldment of who you are as creators. Of remembering. Where it shall be known in each and every soul, if they so choose, the journey back to wholeness. To oneness. It is your choice whether to remain in the illusion of separation or to awaken your inner heart to heal and return to love.

With Love, Namaste dear Starseed!

Copyright 2018, Jenna Fontaine

A Message to Starseeds

The latest guidance from the Council, a group of Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, Goddesses, the Faery Realm, and Multi-Dimensional Galactics.

Greetings on this Fall Autumn and Spring Vernal Equinox’s in your Hemispheres!

Are you in a state of joy today? When you are in a state of harmony, you are in a state of resonance that can be heard all throughout the Universe, for your natural state is that of joy.

Everything you see appears to be fixed in a solid state, yes? However, if you were to look at every single tangible object surrounding you under a microscope, you would see movement, oscillation. Cells are sentient and they are the language through which you change from day to day, month to month, and year to year. The universe is in a constant state of flux. It is always expanding and becoming. As you are always expanding and becoming.

Much of humanity now sits upon a threshold of anticipation of a big event. Some feel the world may end on Earth. Some feel it is the beginning of everlasting Christ Consciousness. Some feel a combination of both rising toward some future event. We are here today to ask of you, what are you creating? You create through thought. Every single time, you create through your thoughts. Your emotions inform you of what direction you are going in. Keep your thoughts on the positive, or love, and that will be your experience. Keep your thoughts on the negative, or fear, and that will be your experience. It is up to you and Law of Free Will to determine the nature of the event you will experience.

Understand that this time is the Great Awakening. It is the awakening of a humanity that has largely been in the darkness. You fear death. You cling to concepts and ideologies that separate. That create all the suffering you see around you today. The deepest and truest task for every Soul on Gaia now is to remember who you are. You are a Soul inside of a human physical body learning about separation. And you are also learning about that which you can only comprehend in singular events of higher consciousness.

There are many who have come before you who have resided in this resonance more permanently on the Earth plane. And many of you are experiencing these greater insights and daily epiphanies of higher awareness. These events can happen in moments of feeling great love for another. Or for nature and the wondrous beauty of your planet.

Today on this special day of fall in America, as you are surrounded by cooler air and warmer clothes, remember your eternal nature, for we all return to the One in time. In time, in Earth time, for in the spirit world, time simply does not exist. On Earth, time is a concept which aids in the process of separation thinking, to that of past, present, future. But in spirit, time does not exist. For we all are connected to the One. And whatever we do unto ourselves, we do unto others.

Please understand every action you take toward another you will feel yourself. It may not be in that particular instance, but circumstances will rise to teach you the feelings you have made others feel. And these feelings reside in the great ethers known as the Akashic Records. This Hall of knowing is where all the stories of humanity reside. The contracts between souls are sacred and can be rewritten and reorganized and reworked at any moment so long as the souls involve choose it to be so. For choice is the one constant. You get to choose the roles, the content and the lessons of your life.

And as you live out your years, you can change these agreements as needed in order so that your soul evolves, and so that you can learn who you are by being and acting out who you are not. This is a grand illusion. That indigenous tribes refer to as The Great Mystery, for life in 3D will always have an aspect of mystery, to help you inch ever so forward to Oneness and Unity Consciousness.

Enjoy the beauty of the seasonal changes and rest in your knowing of the Oneness which will befall all Souls when each and every one of you are ready to step out of the game of separation.

With Love, Namaste dear Starseed!

Copyright 2018, Jenna Fontaine

A Message to Starseeds

The latest guidance from the Council, a group of Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, Goddesses, the Faery Realm, and Multi-Dimensional Galactics.

Greetings Dear Ones,

It is with great delight that we are able to transmit our message to the Earth plane at this time. Yesterday was a tremendous day of love and peace. You may have felt the calmness of the day and the vibration collectively gathered to enlighten and uplift your thoughts from fear, worry, or concern.

Your American President alluded to the Twin Towers being an inside job. The truth will come out and there will be no question. No denying what events took place in 2001 to keep the truth hidden from the public eye.

These times speak to you in the quiet hours a longing for harmony. A longing for unity. It is during these times we whisper to you our love and our guidance. For you are never alone and we are always with you. Take this time. This important time to reflect on the past and realize everything you see, everything you think, is dependent upon:

Where are you vibrating now? Are you vibrating in a high frequency or a low frequency?

A high frequency will make you feel happy, joyful, peace-filled, loving, kind.

A low frequency will make you feel irritable, angry, resentful, the victim-mind.

This time calls upon you to raise your frequency as much as possible by being conscious of your thoughts at all times. And to speak from a place of knowing who you are. At your core you are a spiritual being inside of a human body. Never forget how connected you are to all who love you in all dimensions of time and space. It is important to recognize this relationship. Not only with us, but with your Mother Gaia. She is going through all of these changes too and she needs all of Earthlings support. Much of the work being done to assist Gaia is occurring in your dream state when you leave your body at night. A lot of the work is also done in your daily interactions with what you choose to purchase and how you choose to eat and how you choose to live. Stay conscious. Stay open. Be as loving as you possibly can right now.

Namaste, dear Starseed!

Copyright 2018, Jenna Fontaine